Shall we agree that… campaign Q&A
Why is the Industrial Union running this kind of campaign?
We want to vigorously promote and defend Finland’s culture of collective bargaining and negotiation in working life.
In particular, we want to highlight the importance of collective agreements for both employees and society as a whole.
We naturally hope that the campaign will speak to our members, as well as those who have not yet joined us.
What do you want to say with this campaign?
The campaign’s most important message is that collective negotiation is the only way to create sustainable wellbeing.
The campaign also says that fair and appropriate terms and conditions of employment are not only in the best interests of our members, but also of society as a whole.
We also want to highlight the importance of our members to Finnish society: It is members of the Industrial Union who are largely responsible for creating profit: without them, Finland could not generate exports, economic growth or wellbeing
What are the main themes of the campaign?
The campaign’s main themes are agreement, trust and professional pride.
In concrete terms, these themes can be seen in the way we highlight the importance of collective agreements, underline the role played by shop stewards, and emphasise the fact that members of the Industrial Union are the performance drivers of Finnish society.
Why is the campaign highlighting collective negotiation?
In Finland, we have always been able to agree on work-related issues together. Yet this culture of negotiation has recently been questioned. Reaching an agreement is always the primary objective for the Industrial Union – by entering into fair and equitable collective agreements, we are working in the best interests of both our members and Finnish society as a whole.
The campaign is urging people to join the Industrial Union. What are the benefits of being a member?
The main benefit of joining the Industrial Union is the collective agreement, which specifies employees’ rights and benefits. Another good reason is the trained shop stewards who represent employees at the workplace. The Industrial Union also helps its members to handle problematic situations and provides legal aid when necessary. As a member of the Industrial Union, you will always have access to support and will be able to influence the future of your working life. The Industrial Union also provides its members with training and a variety of membership benefits.
The campaign presents the Industrial Union’s messages in a variety of contexts. Why did you take this approach?
We want to bring our messages to life in an interesting way, and as part of our society and the reality in which our members live. The Industrial Union’s most important activities occur where our members live and work.
Where will the campaign be visible?
The campaign will be featured in a broad variety of media, including TV, social media, radio, and digital channels. Visibility at workplaces and in the Union’s own communication channels will also play an important role. Shop stewards, enthusiastic employees and other members of the workplace community can also act as messengers.