Shop stewards work for you
In workplaces all across Finland, you will receive support from shop stewards that have been trained by the Industrial Union. They are elected by employees, and it’s their job to promote the interests and rights of their team in the workplace – and to provide assistance with any issues that may arise.
The Industrial Union’s shop stewards have also been making local agreements with their employers for years. They know how to stand up for you, because they have been trained to do so.
Having your own shop steward is a very good reason for joining a trade union.
The shop steward’s duties:
As an employee representative, the shop steward ensures
- compliance with collective agreements,
- compliance with employment legislation,
- compliance with the terms and conditions of employment contracts,
- compliance with other terms and conditions of employment.
The shop steward also represents the local branch in matters relating to
- the employer-employee relationship,
- corporate development,
- local agreements.