The strategy approved by the Union Congress sets the Industrial Union’s targets for the next five years

The Industrial Union faces many challenges in its operating environment, and the solutions to these will be reached through more systematic planning in the coming years. Strategic planning has established itself in the union since 2018. This is reflected, among other things, in the fact that annual action plans are based on the strategy, operations and their results are measured, and the union’s organisation and strategic structure are coordinated.

The Union Congress outlined a new strategy for 2023–2028  that sets the main directions for the future activities of the union. The goals of the new strategy have a more precisely defined link to the union’s organisation, making it easier to delegate responsibilities. The most critical issues in terms of strategy are at the core of operations. The strategy combines the opinions and views of both union members and experts. The Industrial Union’s values and operating principles were defined already in 2017, when union was formed. They remain unchanged in the new strategy.

The most important policies of the new strategy include securing the status of universally binding collective agreements, improving local bargaining power and involving members in the union’s activities. The union wants to grow its membership and improve the degree of unionisation in its agreement sectors. The union also engages in social advocacy work in order to safeguard collective agreements. Membership recruitment is focused on young employees, among other groups.

The strategy aims to strengthen the union’s local, workplace-specific activities and unionisation. The role of chief shop stewards will be safeguarded, and training and support for shop stewards will be increased. Members will be involved both in unionisation at workplaces and in collective bargaining. A programme to reform the activities of local branches will be prepared.

The Industrial Union wants to take a strong and visible role as an initiator of public discourse and reforms in society. In the coming years, the union will also invest in the development of working life and the labour market through social advocacy work. One of the aims stated in the strategy is the creation of a framework agreement for industrial sectors. The union also supports the green transition of industry and has a desire to improve vocational training.

The strategy approved by the Union Congress invests in the development of services for and communication towards Industrial Union members. The reforms will make extensive use of digitalisation. Access to training organised by the union will be improved. These policies also support the above goals for the development of working life and the union.