Will you accept that you can be laid off practically without justification?
On Monday, 17 September at 00.00, the agreement sectors of the Industrial Union will start an overtime ban. An overtime ban is a legal measure through which the Union will protect employees from being dismissed.
Refusal to work overtime is a protest against the policy of the Finnish government that deteriorates working life rules and employee rights. We want the government to pull back the bill which weakens the protection against unjustified dismissal of workplaces with less than 20 employees.
The legislative reform places workers and small workplaces in an unequal position. There is also a danger that the right to dismiss an employee on light grounds for personal reasons will spread to all workplaces.
The overtime ban is the first step in progressive industrial action, decided by the Industrial Union’s Board in August. The Industrial Union will not accept a weakening of the protection against dismissal for anyone. We demand the government to drop the bill immediately, as it would only cause arbitrary layoffs.
We are acting now because the processing of the dismissal bill in ongoing. The government may still withdraw its proposal.
The overtime ban is valid for the time being, and its termination will be communicated separately to shop stewards and members.
Of the Union’s agreement sectors, media and print workers, paper distributors, and graphical industry office workers Grafinet are excluded from the overtime ban.
Employment support works as an on-call service for industrial action
Refusal to work overtime is a legitimate act. For example, an employer cannot prevent employees from leaving their workplaces, threaten with measures or impose sanctions.
If your employer tries to ban your participation in the overtime ban, contact your local shop steward.
If your workplace does not have a shop steward, contact the Industrial Union’s employment support on-call service, tel. 020 690 447. The on-call service is open from Monday to Friday at 8.30am–3pm.
You can also report the employer’s countermeasures or other problems by email to [email protected].
Follow the news related to the industrial action on the Union’s website and on our Facebook page.
Workplace Bulletin 12.9.2018
– Overtime ban beginning on Monday, 17 September at 00.00
Biulutyn praca 12.9.2018
– Zakaz pracy w godzinach nadliczbowych zaczyna obowiązywać w poniedziałek 17.09. o godz. 00.00
Информационный бюллетень 12.9.2018
– Запрет на сверхурочные работы начинает действовать в понедельник 17.9. в 00.00
Tööteave 12.9.2018
– Ületunnitöö keeld algab esmaspäeval 17.09 kell 00.00